Certification for Design Reshaping the Testing Pyramid

Start Date 01/08/19 - Finish Date 31/07/24
Developing the scientific foundation that enables lighter, safer and more cost-efficient composite aerostructures.
This research project is to provide a route for lessening regulatory constraints, moving towards a more cost/performance optimised philosophy by reducing the multiple coupon level materials tests at the bottom of the test pyramid. It will create the scientific basis for a new culture of virtual certification that will enable significant mass savings and target reduction of design costs and development time.
The project is developing a new holistic approach to design at a hitherto unattainable level of fidelity. Bayesian techniques such as Monte-Carlo Markov Chains to quantify uncertainty and variability and Bayesian inference process will be used to minimise model uncertainty. Lock-In Digital Image Correlation and Thermoelastic Stress Analysis will be integrated and scaled up to provide a non-contact methodology to capture stress and strain in the vicinity of as-designed internal meso/micro features and in-service damage, and quantitatively identify the mechanisms that initiate damage and lead to failure.
Recent Updates
Recently, we have successfully built a Gaussian Process based Data-Driven Emulator for Quantifying the defects/uncertainty of Composite structure (C-section), The most significant merits of the proposed scheme include: 1) It directly maps from input wrinkle with different parameters to full solution field displacement without time-consuming stiffness matrix assembling and governing equation solving in each single computational prediction. 2) unlike other machine learning algorithms requiring a huge amount of training data, this emulator is capable to provide the predication (expected value) and, from a statistical aspect, the corresponding confidence interval (standard deviation) for the testing input uncertainty at the same time, even the number of training data is limited
- Professor Tim Dodwell, Academic Principle Investigator, https://emps.exeter.ac.uk/engineering/staff/td336
- Professor Ole Thomsen, http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/people/ole-t-thomsen/overview.html
- Professor Janice Barton, http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/people/janice-barton/index.html
- Professor Ian Sinclair, https://www.southampton.ac.uk/engineering/about/staff/is1.page
- Professor Robert Smith, http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/people/robert-a-smith/overview.html
- Professor Richard Butler, https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/richard-butler-2
- Professor Robert Scheichl, https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/robert-scheichl
Professor David Woods, https://www.southampton.ac.uk/maths/about/staff/davew.page
- Professor Stephen Hallett, http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/people/stephen-r-hallett/
- Professor Kevin Potter, http://www.bristol.ac.uk/engineering/people/kevin-d-potter/
- Dr Karim Alejandro Anaya-Izquierdo, https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/karim-anaya-izquierdo
Dr Andrew Rhead, https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/persons/andrew-rhead