Professor Tim Dodwell

Professor Tim Dodwell leads the Data Centric Engineering Group at Exeter. He holds a personal chair in Computational Mechanics which straddles the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Institute of Data Science and AI at the University of Exeter


He currently holds a prestigious 5 year Turing AI Fellowship with the Alan Turing Institute. and is the Romberg Visiting Professorship at Heidelberg in Scientic Computing. Externally he is on the editorial board for Proceedings of Royal Society London A, SIAM Journal of Uncertainty Quantication and Computer Physics Communications.


At Exeter his interdisciplinary Data Centric Engineering Group does leading research at the dynamic interface between applied mathematics, statistics and high-performance scientic computing. Spanning all aspects of research from fundamental theory in data science and AI to applied industrial focused projects. Over the next 18 months, his group will double to 16 researchers built from UKRI, EPSRC, Innovate UK and direct industrial awards with a combined value exceeding £6.5M.

Professor  Tim Dodwell

Professor Tim Dodwell


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Tim obtain a 1st class honours for a BSc in Mathematics at the University Bath (2004-2008). During his degree he took a year out to develop stochastic models for exotic options pricing while working in the city. He then obtained a PhD in Applied Mathematics (2009-2012) at the Bath Institute of Complex Systems. During this time he studied variational models for understanding complex materials (supervised by Prof Giles Hunt and Prof Mark Peletier). For 18 months following his PhD, he worked on a joint project with GKN Aerospace on modelling the formation of defects during manufacturing of composites. Since then he had a series of fellowship awards, which has span his research interests in mathematical modelling, multiscale methods, Bayesian inverse problems and high performance numerical solvers.


  • Prize Fellowship in Engineering Mathematics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, 2013-2015
  • Pro Vice Chancellors Fellowship in Engineering Mathematics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Exeter, 2015-2018
  • Turing AI Fellow, The Alan Turing Institute and University of Exeter, 2019-2024


These fellowships have matched his academic progress;


  • Lecturer (Bath, 2013-2015)
  • Senior Lecturer (Exeter, 2015-2019)
  • Full Professor (Exeter 2019-present)
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